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I see language as my play ground


I use adjectives and pronouns to play around


I feel you still

How many ways can I say I feel you still


Don’t worry about that

Just so you know


I’m about


If you you ever need me it’s a shout


Don’t know you’re motive but there’s a motive that I can go with


And we should flow with


Don’t think think you know this but I’m exposing much more


Growing up where I grew up you were told you could be much more


But it’s just all in the training


In broader society


Etiquette and eloquence is the president


In order to be recieved in the most favourable manner


You must conform my darling


Fall into place


Speak with rigour this and speak properly


And learn to do so with grace


But what is it to ‘speak properly’

It’s all a game we play and a game you wanna win


And we do so by code switching


We all do it


I know when I’m at work


I know when I’m at home


I know when I’m with friends


I know when I’m alone


We’re different people to different people and that’s fine


We’re not gonna be the same all the time


But at some point I started to take pride in deception


And though I love language


I see language as my play ground


I use adjectives and pronouns to play around


I felt like I was winning the game




Really winning the game


Don’t know if you know the rules but in order to win


What I had to do was shed my skin and the flesh I was born in


And I did so with ease and learnt to navigate spaces where people didn’t sound like me


Rack up points then leave


And I aimed to please


Because this is how I was taught to win


Shapeshifting, speak switching smile make sure your teeth glisten and please pretend to care and above all beware


Because their watching, and they notice


Don’t slip up


Stay focused


No mistake goes unnoticed even when they don’t show it


And they want to see you slip



But that’s a bit dramatic


Because in practice it’s just static


It’s just noise

Language is just noise and very one is talking all the time


Shut up!


Just shuttup !



Words are neutral.


Not words are real or fake


Every word is a thing that a person made


And the aim is to communicate


And I’m not just talking transferring practical  information


Words include framing


So I know although I can say ‘I understand’


And I’m I’m here to lend a helping hand


I’d rather say ‘I feel u still’  because I got you



And right now I don’t care about anyone that’s not me and not you


Because out of all the people in this world you’re in my top 2


And your not 2


So come thru


we’ll cut thru all the noise and politics


And  keep it simple, and just so you know


with me


Always and forever


you have a home

I Feel U StillKonadu Gyamfi
00:00 / 03:03
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