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There are 40 bodies in the Nile in Sudan right now



Do you care?


There is fire in the sky in Sudan right now


Do you care?


When a building burnt down the world came to its aid


But now there are 40 bodies in a watery grave 


Do you care?


Sudan is in crisis


Where does your morality lie 


when you can hear of 40 bodies floating down a  river


And leave the people left to die


It started with a  peaceful protest


the media because they won’t report it


It only ever matters when white bodies are slaughtered


Women, men children violated


No one is immune from death today in Sudan


But this isn’t just today 


This isn’t new


Sudan has been fighting for decades before your profile pictures turned blue


Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt.




Leaders who dampened their own revolutions


Block the internet in Sudan so people don’t know 


But now we know 


There are 40 bodies in the Nile in Sudan right now


Do you care?


Because now we know


And remember, Africa is a land with riches on its own


China invests in building


Russia mining for oil


Americal banking on what they know best. War.


3 figures backing this military regime nothing more


Than a violent Ponzi scheme



Billions will be lost if people are free


So they support the slaughter 


But blood is cheaper than water. 


So tell me, do you care?


Do you?


Because if the answer is yes.




 I don’t care 


 I don’t care if you care


I don’t care if you feel


 I don’t care  if you weep or the bodies at the bottom of the hill


 I don’t care 


Because it’s not about your feelings today


It's about doing something to make sure things don’t stay this way


Within one week


-500 killed

-723 injured 

-650 arrested 

-48 women raped 

-6 men raped 

-1000 missing 



There 40 bodies in the Nile in Sudan


And when you hear my voice hear the pain


Because Sudan is not my country 


But all those live meant something


And continue to mean something



There 40 bodies in the Nile in Sudan


There is a genocide in Sudan


And from our government, I haven’t heard a thing


But when an empty building burnt down in Paris


The support came pouring in


Where are the billionaires? 


The millionaires?


Where are the people who claim to care


But when actual lives are ripped from this Earth


It's not your problem



There are 40 bodies in the Nile in Sudan


Look around


Because every face you see could easily be at the bottom of that river


Look around


40 people in this room dead


Wake up


Sudan is in the middle of a war


Yemen Is in crisis 


People are eating mud in Haiti



Where is your voice?


But when an empty building burns down in Paris that’s when there’s noise


Thoughts and prayers, well wishes and empty nothings will not save Sudan


But here’s what will


Speak. using the voice you’ve been given for free


Understand. Take five minutes to read the words on this sheet



Donate. Give what you can



Act. Because it's not enough to understand. Do more than learn


Notify the rest. Shout to your government. Signs the pistons. Be so loud that everyone will listen



Because there are 40 bodies in the Nile Sudan. 


And Sudan means so much more


Because once the flames reach the sky and all eyes are on 




The world will revolt


This will incite a global wave 


That will transfer the way people see who has power


Because the people do


One the flame is ignited it can’t be put out


So feed it


Let it grow


Because there are 40 bodies no people in the Nile in Sudan


And now you know

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